Ya'll making me not even want to listen to the music i enjoy.
I've forever been a fan of deep lyrical rhymes.
But of course, those who choose to do what is 'COOL' aka Beasts, find it to be swaggerific to PLAY OUT good music.
i mean, for real. . . how many of them actually knew about HIP-HOP???
cuz Power 106 is not where that shit is livin'.
In my eyes, if you have to think about the judgement of others before you even attempt to do something, you need to ask yourself some questions and reconsider how sold out you are.
If you really think you're going to get respect by what clothes x shoes you wear
Or by the music you listen to
Or people you hang out with.
You're just a lame sell out.
fuck a hypebeast. . .
to me and most of my friends your a nobody.
"Be True to it, Not new to it."